Social Sound

The exhibition project “Social Sound” was curated by Lennard Dost for art initiative VHDG in Leeuwarden (NL). The project was about how we experience music and how it helps us with social issues and interaction.
I curated the film program at the Academie voor Popcultuur, with films that could be linked to the exhibition theme of ‘social sound’. The film program consisted of the films “Over Canto” (Ramon Gieling, 2011), “Sound of Noise” (Ola Simonsson en Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, 2011), “We are Together” (Thina Simunye, Paul Taylor, 2008), “Songs of War: Music as a Weapon” (Tristan Chystroschek, 2010).
Besides the film program I was involved in the overall organization, for example in the organization of the art projects of David First and Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, the organization of the lectures and workshops of musician/composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven, musician Yuri Landman and professor Ad Vingerhoets. Last but not least: I also organized the opening event with performances of Dutch protest singer Armand, musician/artist Kasper van Hoek and artist David First.