Made in Knoal

“Made in Knoal” was a design project that I curated for CBK Groningen (NL). The main focus of the project was to connect design and agriculture, resulting in new, alternative and suistainable design.
Experienced designers Christien Meindertsma, Tjeerd Veenhoven and Foodcurators made new works in collaboration with local farmers and based on local crops potato, hemp and saffron. These designers also guided the participants of a masterclass for six designers who collaborated with the same agricultural partners and worked with the same crops.
All the design works were shown in Stadskanaal in the province of Groningen (NL) where the project took place and in the Van Abbemuseum during Dutch Design Week. The project als consisted of education workshops and an event in collaboration with Youth Food Movement Groningen.
The project was financially supported by Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds) and Stichting 250/400.
Partners: Noorderbreedte (media partner), Youth Food Movement and several agricultural businesses in the province of Groningen.
Exhibition design: Jauke van den Brink.
Press: Noorderbreedte, Dagblad van het Noorden, Agri meets Design, Agro & Chemie, Nieuwe Oogst, Radio Westerwolde, Ter Apeler Courant, Het Streekblad.